Vision Test
There is no doubt that problems with visual ability have considerable impact on a child’s learning potential, and affect general development, resulting in lower educational achievements and impaired learning abilities. Given the number of visual activities that are performed at close range at school, the assessment of near and distant vision is critical. Refractive errors – hyperopia and myopia – are age-dependent. Hyperopia is typical of infants and decreases gradually towards emmetropia.
Early development of emmetropia is a risk factor for the occurrence of myopia. Significant uncorrected refractive errors in childhood can result in amblyopia, developmental delays, and problems with spatial orientation. Significant hyperopia in toddlers and schoolchildren may lead to educational difficulties and problems with mobility.
Medischool uses The Spot Vision Screener that follows the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) screening guidelines for early detection of amblyopic risk factors.
Spot accurately detects the potential indication of these common vision problems:
- Myopia (nearsightedness)
- Hyperopia (farsightedness)
- Astigmatism (blurred vision)
- Anisometropia (unequal refractive power)
- Strabismus (eye misalignment)